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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Yew - Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 2024- 2025!

Spring 1 - Homework

Science- Adaptations

We enjoyed looking at adaptations of finches on the Galápagos Islands. We discussed how Charles Darwin travelled there in 1835 and noticed that finches had different shapes of beaks. We investigated, using different utensils, which 'beak' was better at collecting which food type. The children travelled around the room collecting lentils, orzo, rice, marshmallows and strawberry laces to represent different types of food found on the Galápagos Islands. They counted how many they collected in 30 seconds to see which beak suited which food type

We were fortunate to finish our gymnastics block using the frame to practice our balances. Our final lesson was great fun getting to try out the balances and counter balances we have been learning at different heights and moving into them using a variety of travels.

Christmas Lunch Day

On Christmas lunch and party day we had a lovely morning making our Christmas hats and designing/colouring our placemats. We enjoyed our lunch and had great fun during our party in the afternoon!

In RE we discussed the things that Christians have to be grateful for. We talked about how in the period leading up to Christmas, advent, Christians take time to prepare and reflect on what is to come, this can lead to feelings of thankfulness and appreciation. We thought of all the things we are thankful for and turned them into an advent calendar to countdown the final 12 days to Christmas.

The Viewer

Akaal and Mrs Alarcon brought in a pocket watch and an original view master to support our learning in English, we had seen and discussed both of these objects in our book, The Viewer. The children loved being able to see these objects first hand and understood better what we were looking at in our book. 

Early Islamic Civilisation

We created timelines in history to support our understanding of when the Early Islamic Civilisation existed. This supported our learning, thinking about other civilisations that were present at a similar time. 

Anti-Bullying Week

As part of Anti-Bullying Week we rewrote and performed the song Respect by Erasure. We discussed the importance of showing everybody respect no matter race, creed, colour or age and what we can do if we see bullying in our school. Please enjoy our performance on our Facebook page. 

TTRS- England Rocks Day

Today we were rockstars to celebrate TTRS England Rocks Day! Well done to Rayan, our best dressed pupil!

RE- Advent wreaths

In RE we have started our learning about Christmas. This week we focused on the use and significance of the Advent wreath. We created our own and wrote about the 5 candles, the evergreen wreath and their meaning.

Remembrance Day

We created and lay a wreath to remember those who gave their lives in the First and Second World War. We also remember those who have given their lives in other wars around the world and those who continue to sacrifice everything for our freedom.

PE- Gymnastics

To begin our learning in gymnastics we started by travelling in different ways around the room before reaching a mat and planting our hands to jump across it. This jump progressed to a cartwheel across the mat in which we also planted our hands down and let our body weight carry our legs over.

Science- Electricity

To begin our science learning we investigated our electricity equipment, recapping what we had learnt in Year 4. We tried to make circuits with a light bulb, buzzer or motor and learnt about standardised symbols to draw circuits.

As part of our Diwali worship we learnt all about Rangoli art. We created our own repeating Rangoli patterns on paper plates. We learnt that Rangoli’s can be made from anything and are usually made on the floor at the entrance to a home to welcome the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, in.


We really enjoyed our Bikability lessons. We learnt how to safely check our bikes, where we can ride on the road, how to change speed to join traffic and put it all into practice when we went onto the road.

History- Queen Street Mill visit

We enjoyed our visit to Queen Street Mill to learn all about Victorian cotton mills and how people worked and lived during those times. We had a Victorian lesson, learnt about how we couldn’t write with our left hand, practised maths about pounds, shilling and pence and were given Victorian names. We also had a fantastic tour of the mill where we learnt all about the different machines and the jobs that people had to keep the mill running. Finally, we were amazed to see the last working steam engine in the world and learn how it works!

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Still image for this video

Science- Observing light

In Science we observed light in a variety of ways, through bubbles, prisms and objects behind water in a glass. We observed the effect light had on these objects and how they can effect the way we see things.

Maths- Prime numbers

In Maths we used arrays to help support our learning of prime numbers. We discovered that prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and one and therefore you cannot make any other array of that number but a line.

History- Invincible's Project with PNE

We have been joined by May Webster from PNE to support us with our history learning this half term. We have been learning about Arthur Wharton and the history of Preston North End Football Club and how this relates to Victorian Mills and the impact of sport on the mill workers. 

PE- Leg amputee basketball

In PE we discovered what it would be like to be a leg amputee and play basketball. Without wheelchairs we practised this by sitting on the ground to limit our movement. We practised our passing skills and then moved on to a game style situation, marking our peers, passing the ball between our team and trying to get it in the hoop. It was a lot harder than normal basketball and gave us a strong appreciation of how skilled Paralympians are.

Computing- Networks

In Computing we learnt about networks and how they are made up of lots of computers joined together. To make a successful network they have to be able to reach each other to send messages. We learnt about IP addresses and how they tell packets (small messages) where the messages are from, where they are going to and the message to send. We practised being a network ourselves and tried to get messages from our friends on the opposite side of the room. Some of us forgot to include our to/from address and our messages were lost in the network.

PE- Paralympics, hearing impairment

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Still image for this video

The children enjoyed experiencing sport as if they were hearing impaired this week. To recreate this the children were not allowed to speak, make noise or whisper to each other. We started our session by playing tig, nobody knew who was on. Then, the children had to find a way to communicate an instruction to their team in order to get them in a certain order. The children came up with lots of different methods of communication and it was fascinating to see their choices.

In science we created periscopes to understand how mirrors reflect light. We began our learning by trying to see a picture our friends had stuck on our backs. We soon discovered that by using two mirrors we could reflect the image from one to the other and see the drawing. We used this knowledge to create periscopes to enable us to see around corners. We had to ensure our mirrors were placed on an angle so the light could reflect between them and to our eyes.

English- working with Willow Class

We really enjoyed working collaboratively with Willow Class to compare descriptive sentences used to create imagery. We were writing sentences to describe Tom’s Midnight Garden and had a great time listening to each other’s ideas and developing our sentences together. 

Science- Light

We enjoyed starting our learning about light and discovering how we see things. We used string to represent light beams and showed how we see objects. We discussed different light sources and how light can only travel in straight lines. 

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