Worship at Broughton CE Primary School
Prayer and worship are central to our daily lives here at Broughton CE School. The foundation of our school is Church of England and so all our acts or worship are based on this Christian tradition. All children in school participate in our daily act of collective worship and there are opportunities for children to lead and plan their own worship.
We are very fortunate to have a number of people in school who lead worship including the headteacher, the senior leadership team, the clergy team of St John Baptist, the children, teaching staff, the school’s very own chaplain and leaders from other local churches.
Opportunities for reflection and private prayer are present both inside and outside the school building. Children are encouraged to engage with the reflection spaces through either reading bible verses or engaging in the reflection activities. Our children are keen to explore their spirituality and we give them many opportunities to do so throughout the school day.
Worship on a Monday is led by the headteacher and on a Tuesday all children attended church where the clergy team lead worship. Parents are invited to join us for church worship. On Wednesday, all pupils take part in our singing worship where we join together collectively to praise through song. On Thursday, all children from reception to Year 6 are asked to plan worship either individually or in small groups. The younger children plan their worship at home with the support of their parents. This is then delivered by the pupils to their class. On a Friday, we end the week with Chaplain Andy who joins us from Archbishop Temple High School and leads whole school worship.
Clergy Team of St John Baptist Church
As a school, we are privileged to be part of a church community with such a dedicated and supportive clergy team. They support us with worship and lead church worship every Tuesday at 10:15am for the whole school. All members of the school and church community are welcomed to join us for this service. Church worship follows the liturgical calendar and it ensures that the children are familiar with the Anglican tradition of worship.
We also visit church on other important occasions throughout the year including Christmas for the nativity plays, Easter, the Leavers’ Service and, one of the highlights of the year, Ascension Day, when balloons are released from the top of the church tower to represent Jesus returning to heaven.
Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 attend the church’s Eucharist Service once a half term. This is an opportunity for children to learn about this sacrament and for them to meet with the wider church community.
There are excellent links between church and school. The school takes part in a number of church events each year including the Remembrance Service and the annual Parish Gala and the clergy team play an active part in the life of the school.
Reverend Pauline and Reverend Fleur are school governors and are ‘attached’ to the reception class. They lead children through confirmation classes and also lead worship on a Tuesday.
Visitors to Worship
We enhance our worship by inviting a number of visitors to worship with us. We have particularly good links with the Salvation Army and have welcomed Captain Alex Cadogan and Darren Highton to lead worship for us on a number of occasions. We also welcome visitors from the Free Methodist church.