Summer- Cricket club has been an amazing experience this term. All students have shown the talent they have for this summer sport in addition to helping each other and learning new types of cricket shots.
Summer- Students have been taking part in a rounders club learning the rules in addition to the batting and fielding skills. It was a lovely way to spend a Friday afternoon.
Summer- Year 6 girls have been running an inter-house sports competition every Friday afternoon with different events each week.
Spring 2: A group of year 6 girls ran a club in spring 2 using their own invasion games they created in PE in addition to other mini games. They chose different students each week based on merit and completed the club on a Friday afternoon.
Spring 2: This block Year 5 and Year 6 Basketball took place on Fridays . Students learnt different elements of the sport each week including: shooting, passing, layups, defending and game type situations.
Spring 2: This block Year 3 and Year 4 Multi Sports club took place on Mondays. Students took part in games each week involving elements of different sports including: bench ball, rounders, rugby and basketball.
Spring 2: This block Year 4 football training took place on a Thursday in preparation for their games which took place over the term.
Spring 1: This block Year 5 Athletics club ran on Mondays while Year 6 Athletics club ran on Fridays . (Pictures are from Lancashire Athletics competition in February).
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CE Primary School
Love learning, life, one another and God
Broughton CE Primary School, Church Lane, Preston, PR3 5JB