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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God



Please see below our Admissions Policy 2025 for information regarding the Determined Admission Arrangements for a place at Broughton-in-Amounderness CE Primary School. The document includes the following information:

  • How to apply for a place at the school
  • Admission Criteria in the event that there are more applicants than places


At Broughton-in-Amounderness CE Primary School we welcome families of all faiths and cultures.

IN YEAR ADMISSIONS (See application form below) 

In Year Admissions are admissions to school that take place outside the normal admissions rounds (i.e. Reception and Year 7)

If you are new to the area and require a school place or if you already reside in the area and you want to move your child from their current local school to our school, your application should be made directly to our school and the child will be admitted if there are available places. 


Please see our current place availability below: 


Year group

Available Places



Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6



To apply for a place, please complete the In-year Application Form below and return it to:


Any additional information, e.g. a faith reference, should also be included. Please feel free to ring the school office to confirm that the form has been received. Your application will be acknowledge upon receipt and we will advise you of the outcome within a maximum of 15 school days. 

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact us by phone 01772 862788 or email


Where places are available, but we have more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied, to ensure the correct child/children are offered the places (see below). 


If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list and you have the right of appeal.   Please see below for appeal information. Please note, that the waiting list does NOT guarantee a place at our school and if your child is currently not in education you should either make an appeal to our school and/or apply for a place at an alternative school. 

Further information on how to apply for a local school can be found on the Lancashire County Council website:


The school's admission appeals are supported by Lancashire County Council. If the Governing body cannot offer a school place, parents have the right to make an appeal.
This appeal should be submitted using the link below within twenty days of refusal of admission. The appeal provides you with an opportunity to explain why you wish to register your child at our school. The appeal forms and advice on how to complete them is available on the Lancashire County Council website:

Lancashire County Council will contact you in respect of your appeal application and inform you of the arrangements. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to you in writing. The decision of the Independent Appeal Panel is binding to all parties, ie the family and the school. Please note that this right of appeal against the Governors’ decision does not prevent you from making an appeal in respect of any other school.

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