England Rocks Day 2024!
Reception - Measures
Year 1 - Numbers Bonds to 20
Today, Cedar Class used a range of resources to help them make number bonds to 20.
Year 6 Using Scale Factor and Ratio to plan out our new school hall!
Maths Curriculum Overview
Eloise of Year 6 demonstrating ratio using concrete objects.
Elm Class
Elm Class enjoyed working in groups to practice their number fact families. The children used whiteboards to help visualise how the same numbers can be rearranged in many ways to make addition and subtraction facts. The children worked hard to create as many number sentences as possible for their part-whole models.
Mr. Bentham using multi-link cubes to teach all about squared and cubed numbers in Year 6
We aim to provide children with a deep understanding of mathematics through a concrete, pictoral and abstract approach, ensuring that all children fully understand what they are learning.
Oak - Lines of symmetry
Oak Class have enjoyed creating their own symmetrical patterns today and drawing their lines of symmetry.
3D - Money
3D have been learning to add and subtract different amounts of money. They have enjoyed using plastic money and this has given them a better understanding of how to handle money in real life.
Elm- Representing numbers to 50
Elm Class enjoyed representing numbers to 50 in lots of different ways today. We used counters & 10 frames, bead strings, base 10 and multi-link to show numbers as 10’s and 1’s. We then moved on to writing our numbers on a part-whole model as 10’s and 1’s.
EYFS - 3D Shapes
In Reception we have been exploring real life 3D shapes. We have looked at whether their faces are flat or curved and used this information to predict whether they would roll down the ramp or not.
EYFS - Positional Language
To help understand positional language, the children in Reception helped Miss Watson make an obstacle course. They then gave each other instructions on how to complete the course.
Everyone had to:
Go under the table
Jump in the hoops
Jump over the fences
Balance on the beams
Elm- Addition and subtraction within 20
Elm Class have been learning about addition and subtraction to and from 20. We have enjoyed using counters and ten frames, along with number lines and bead strings, to support our learning.