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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Physical Education

Here at Broughton, Physical Education, Physical Activity and Competitive sport are integral parts of a child’s education. We strive to support excellence in PE through promoting healthy and active lifestyles, engaging in competitive activities and developing a love for physical education. We deliver high quality teaching, with specialist teachers and external bodies to ensure that all aspects of the PE curriculum are being delivered to the highest quality. We offer a balanced program, one that focuses on the development of the fundamental movement skills that children need in life. Children are able to access a variety of sports within school, thus providing them with an opportunity to express themselves and develop their own unique skills in their chosen sport. Individuality is something that we celebrate here at Broughton, as every child is different, and children are offered the chance to display their talents through sport. Children can also build self-esteem, develop team work and friendships and have a positive attitude towards PE, also providing the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle. Healthy children will develop into healthy adults, so we certainly are shaping the future and it is paramount that children see an active healthy lifestyle of importance in their adolescence and beyond.

Tennis at Broughton Tennis club

Year 5 Bikeability

Bikeability in action

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The children found out how to ride a bicycle safely.

Sports Week

Check out some amazing activities that took place during our Sports Week!

Spring 2: Year 6 used attacking and defending tactics in netball type games to score as many points as possible.

Spring 2: Year 5 have loved learning about netball. They have demonstrated a shoulder pass, chest pass and netball shot. They enjoyed using these skills in a game type situation.

Spring 2: Year 4 have been using their knowledge of a successful swing pass to help them in rugby type games. Year 4 particularly enjoyed their 4v2 games where they employed defence and attacking tactics such as a fake pass and movement off the ball.

Spring 2: Year 3 have been exploring different invasion games using rugby skills. They have used the swing pass success criteria and applied attacking and defending tactics to try and outwit their opponents.

Spring 2: Year 1 loved their PE lessons on striking and fielding in the term. They used their knowledge to successfully show an overarm throw, bat, field and bowl.

Elm Class enjoyed their morning of Cricket. They practiced many skills including their running, rolling, bouncing, throwing, catching and batting before applying them to a mini game situation. 

Spring 1: Year 4 have been exploring different balances. They have used these balances in part of a routine that also includes rolls, jumps and different travels.

Spring 1: Year 3 have been exploring different balances on a differing amount of limbs. Students in year 3 created a success criteria for a good balance and used this criteria to successfully balance in class.

Spring 1: Year 6 have been exploring counter tension and counter balances. They have used these balances in part of a routine that also includes rolls, jumps and different travels.

Autumn 2 Dance Club! Exploring different ways of moving and travelling with and without music!

Year 5 exploring balances in gymnastics

Year 6 enjoying their time with Katharine Woods, our specialist gymnastics teacher.

Look at our brand new markings on our playground! An amazing amount of opportunities to play sport - our Sport Premium money is being well spent.

A superb action shot from Year 6 as they perform their 'Heroes and Villains' dance as a group.

Year 3 performing their 'Layers of the Earth' dance in front of their peers.

Elm class enjoying the final stage of Joe Wicks' Children in Need Challenge!


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Check out the hard work that Year 5 have been putting in their gymnastics lessons. Some elegant sequences and some fantastic counter tensions and counter balances! 


Year 5 Gymnastics Sequence



Just look at our super year one children enjoying their dance lessons with Sally - some stars in the making!




Useful Links/Documents - below are some links that you may find useful. 

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