Oak - Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 Classroom
Curriculum Overview Autumn 1
Autumn 1 Spellings
Welcome to Year 4 Oak Class 2024!
Summer 2 Homework and Curriculum Overview
Homework Celebration
Summer 1 Curriculum Overview
Summer 1 Spellings
Fairtrade Class Worship
World Book Week Photos
Broughton High School Food Technology Class
Curriculum Overview Spring 2
Spring 2 Spellings
Spring 1 Overview and Homework
Spring Term Spelling list
Happy New Year 2024!
Selection of Photos over the Autumn Term
Tasks for 14.11.23
Maths- Please see Mathletics for tasks to be completed, once completed please log on to Times Tables Rockstars.
English- Please see attachment and answer the questions provided.
GPS- Please log on to Spag.com and completed the task provided.
Topic- Please see Curriculum Overview and complete one of the homework tasks.
Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview
Autumn 2 Spellings
Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview
Autumn 1 Spellings
Welcome to Year 4 Oak Class 2023
Welcome to Year 4B 2022!