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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Ash - Reception

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to Reception class!


The teachers in Reception are Mrs Dickinson, Miss Britt, Mrs Lowcock and Miss Turner. We also have Mrs Garcia, Mrs Stafford and Miss Miller-Crook helping us out.


At Broughton our priority is to promote a life-long love of learning. As a team, we are committed to developing a love of learning in each child, whilst also developing the skills and values to support their all-round development. This begins at the very start of their school lives in the Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is the stage in your child's learning from birth to 5 years old. Our aim is to create a learning environment which supports, enhances and encourages a child's curiosity and want to learn. We aim to do this by working collaboratively with parents/carers to encourage independent, enthusiastic learners to reach their full potential.


You will always find one of our lovely team on the door in the morning and at home time if you have any queries or concerns. We are always here to help!


The EYFS Team 

Meet the Teacher presentation

Celebrating Chinese New Year!

We gave been ce,berating Chinese New Year this week. We have learnt that it is the year of the snake and decided to make our very own snakes! We have also read the story “The Great Race” and even practised writing our numbers in Mandarin!

Letters to Father Christmas

We have been reading The Jolly Christmas Postman in Reception and it has inspired us to write our own letters to Father Christmas. We wrote our letters, the address and even drew our own stamps! We were lucky enough for a real postman to come in and take all our letters away to the post office! 

Making Ramps!

We've been exploring ramps outside! We made a ramp for our cars and had a race. Afterwards, we even made ourselves a slide. We discovered the steeper the ramp, the faster we went!

Meeting chicks!

Settling into our new class!

Holidays through Time

We are very pleased to share that we have completed the Early Years Curriculum Development Programme!

Blue Planet Aquarium

Brass Instruments with Mr Bates

Our Trip to Blackburn Cathedral

Fun at Forest School!

A Gruffalo Party

We have been planning our Gruffalo party! We wrote invitations to our year 5 Gardeners, made our own monster hats and even our own 'Gruffalo Crumble' biscuits! Of course, our party wouldn't be complete without a dance!

A Trip to the Zoo!

As a part of our topic 'Beautiful World', we had a trip to Blackpool zoo! We were so excited to see all the different animals and even got to learn about all the different habitats the animals came from.

Book Week Fun!

Snow, snow, snow!

We had lots of fun in the snow today! We made snowmen, pulled each other on the sledges, and even threw some snowballs, (sorry Mrs Lowcock!).

Train Driver Visit

We were lucky enough to have Mr Rigby visit us and tell us all about how he drives his train! He showed us his train keys, his torch that flashes red and green and his high-vis jacket that keeps him safe and even told us all about all the different types of trains!

School Closure

Home learning for during our unavoidable school closure can be found at 8:30am on 14/11/23 on Tapestry, your child's online learning platform. If you have any problems accessing the home learning please do not hesitate to email us at FAO: EYFS staff.


Kind regards,


The EYFS Team

Reception 2022/2023

Brass Instruments

Mr Bate was kind enough to bring some brass instruments from the Salvation Army for us to try out. We did an amazing job and made lots of noise!

Blue Planet

Reception class behaved impeccably on our school trip and were a credit to the school. We went to Blue Planet aquarium to learn all about the creatures that live under water.

We managed to fit lots into our day including:

  • Watching some divers feed the fish and sting rays
  • Exploring the rock pools and coral reefs
  • Attending a workshop where we learnt about different habitats and which marine animals might live there
  • Walking through the shark tunnel!

Reception enjoyed a visit from Wayne and Joe from Broughton Tennis Club who gave them a taster session all about tennis. They learnt how to balance the ball on their bat with great control and enjoyed hitting it to each other too. Well done Reception 👏 

Repeated patterns

In maths we have been learning all about repeated patterns. We practiced making our own patterns using beads to make a bracelet. Most of us did an AB pattern, but some of us challenged ourselves to make an AAB or ABC pattern. They looked beautiful!

World Book Day

Reception were so excited to be able to dress up as their favourite book character for World Book Day. They were also lucky enough to share their favourite books with the Year 6s.

Owl Babies

This half term we are reading the book ‘Owl Babies’. Our malleable area has been open this week for children to make their own salt dough owl babies. Everybody has been really creative adding feathers and eyes to make their creations. Well done everyone! 

Life Education Van

We were lucky enough to have two special visitors come into Reception to talk to us about keeping healthy - Steven and Harold the Giraffe.

They taught us about our different organs, what their jobs are and how to keep them healthy. We also looked at our teeth and the importance of brushing them twice a day.

Thank you Steven and Harold! 

Shrove Tuesday

Today we learnt all about Shrove Tuesday and enjoyed an afternoon of making and eating pancakes! 

Fire fighter visit

Today we were lucky enough to have a special visit from the fire fighters from Fulwood fire station. They talked to us about the importance of fire safety and working fire alarms at home. 
The children were able to climb into the engine, spray the water and try on the helmet. They had a great time!

Lunar New Year Lanterns

This week we have been exploring the Lunar New Year and how it is celebrated in countries such as China. We learnt that people often set off lanterns to symbolise letting go of their past selves and becoming a new version of themselves. We made our own versions using scissors to cut the slits in the lantern and then we decorated them too. We learnt that red is a colour of good luck in China. 

R.E. - Baby Moses

After learning all about the Bible story 'Moses in the basket' we went into the creative area to practice our weaving skills and made our own baskets that Moses could go down the river in. 

Menu writing

Our new topic for Spring 1 is ‘Healthy Me’. Our role play area has turned into a cafe and our task this week was to make some menus for customers to choose from and order. We did an excellent job using our phonics to sound out all the different foods. 

Nativity - ‘Everyone Loves A Baby’

A huge congratulations to all the EYFS children for putting on such a lovely Nativity show. You did an amazing job and we are all so proud of you!

Different types of transport

Today the children were so lucky! Mr Stafford brought in some different types of cars for us to look at and ask questions about. The children asked some fantastic questions and thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the parts of the cars.

Leaf kebabs

In Forest School this week we talked about why all the leaves are brown and on the floor. This led us to talking about the change in seasons and how we must be in Autumn. We then used the fallen leaves to make leaf kebabs. We had to use our straw to poke a hole through the leaves and thread them onto the straw. 

AeroZone School Trip

Reception had a fantastic time at Manchester Airport’s ‘AeroZone’ to learn about all the different jobs at the airport. We were able to visit different areas of the airport and role play being security staff, air traffic controllers, check- in assistants and cabin crew members. We also got to talk to an EasyJet pilot who told us all about how planes and helicopters work. 
We had an amazing time!

Fine Motor Skills

We have been doing lots of practise cutting using scissors recently. We used our cutting skills to add some spikes to hedgehogs.

Autumn leaves

The children enjoyed going on a hunt in the outdoor area for some autumn leaves. They then used glue to turn them into their own autumn trees.

Well done everyone! 

Hula hoops

We have had lots of fun trying to spin hula hoops on different parts of our bodies!

Outdoor Number Hunt

We went on a hunt in the outdoor area to find 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of an item.

Religious buildings

This week we have been trying to build different religious buildings using our natural construction materials.

Doctors Role Play

The role play area has been extremely popular and the babies are being well looked after by our amazing doctors and nurses!


We tried so hard with a weaving today making sure we take the strips of paper over, under, over and under.


We have been working on our accuracy of throwing balls to knock over all the skittles.

Listening Walk

We went on a walk with our listening ears to see what we could hear in different parts of the school grounds. Outside we could hear cars, sirens, birds and church bells. Inside we could hear teachers talking, music playing and we could even hear the ovens and taps in the kitchen. 
Well done everybody for listening so carefully!

Reception 2021/22

The Queen’s Jubilee

As part of our celebrations for the Queen’s 70th jubilee, we decorated our own crowns. We added lots of glitter and sequins to represent the jewels on the Queen’s crowns.

Picnic Lunch

The children enjoyed their picnic outside to celebrate the upcoming jubilee.

Double Trouble

This week in Maths we are learning all about doubling. We have worked in small groups to work out our doubles to 10 using the ladybirds. 🐞 

U5 Mini Skills

A huge congratulations to our excellent mini skills team who competed at West View today. You did the school proud, well done!

Gruffalo Forest School

This afternoon in forest school we made Gruffalo pictures! We found leaves, spinning jennies, small sticks and flowers to stick on to make the Gruffalo’s body. We had to weigh our pictures down to stop them blowing away! We had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine ☀️ 

There’s No Such Thing As A Gruffalo...

Look at our fantastic paintings of the Gruffalo!

Ah Help! Oh No! It’s A Gruffalo!

We have had such a lovely day with our Gruffalo party. We played lots of games including ‘Pin the wart on the Gruffalo’, built log pile houses and tucked in to some yummy Gruffalo (rhubarb) crumble!

Gruffalo Crumble

A massive thank you to Mrs Stafford’s superstar helpers for making a Gruffalo crumble ready for our Gruffalo party day tomorrow. You did an amazing job girls, well done!

Hama Beads

We have been putting our fine motor skills to good use to create some lovely Hama Bead art.

Easter Gardens

After learning about the story of Easter we made Easter gardens using materials from the outdoor area.

‘Yogi Group Yoga’

This morning we started the day with a bit of yoga. The lovely Clare from ‘Yogi Group Yoga’ showed us some breathing techniques and yoga poses and we ended the session with lots of positive affirmations. Clare was very impressed with how well we listened! Well done Reception 👏👍

Repeated Patterns

This week in maths we are learning all about repeated patterns. To introduce the topic we have made bracelets. We chose two different coloured beads and arranged them in an AB pattern.

World Book Day

For World Book Day we were lucky enough to have a visit from the children in Year 3. We chose our favourite stories and the Year 3 children read them to us. We had such a lovely time - thank you 3D!


Parable of The Lost Sheep

In RE we have been looking at stories that Jesus told. One of those stories would have been the parable of the lost sheep. Miss Watson hid lots of pictures of sheep around the classroom and we had to pretended to be shepherds and go and find them. We discussed how it feels when we think we are lost and how it feels when we are found. We also talked about how God is like a shepherd and we are his sheep - he thinks we are all special and will look after us if we ever feel lost. 
We then had a go at making our own sheep using paper plates, cotton wool and black paper.

Exploring Faces Of 3D Shapes

We have been exploring real life 3D shapes. We have looked at whether their faces are flat or curved and used this information to predict if they would roll down the ramp or not. 

Owl Babies

This half term we are going to be looking at the book ‘Owl Babies’. Today we read the blurb of the book and designed a front cover based on the title.

Trim Trail Fun