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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Prices & Availability

Opening Hours


The club is open from  7.30 - 8.45am and 3.30 - 5.45pm Monday to Friday term time only.

Club Numbers


The club is currently registered for 50 children Monday to Friday AM and 70 children Monday to Friday PM



Breakfast Club - £5.00

Stay & Play Club - £9.00



Breakfast Club - £5.50

Stay & Play Club - £11.50


Ad hoc sessions must be booked in advance and rates apply to all attendance other than sessions paid in advance on an annual subscription.

Please note: No refunds are given for non-attendance.


Payment Details


Stay and Play invoices are now paid by BACS. Details can be found on the invoice. The invoice amount is for the month. Full payment is due before the next half term begins. If you pay using a Childcare voucher scheme the payments will be deducted manually by the school office once they are credited to our bank account by the childcare company.

Any ad hoc sessions will be added separately during the term. 


Admissions Policy


  • When a child's name reaches the top of the waiting list a place is offered.
  • A child can only be offered a place on the day that they are at the top of the waiting list.  
  • If the place is not accepted then the child's name is placed at the bottom of the list or taken off the list at the parents written request.
  • A letter of acceptance or refusal is required.


Waiting List


There is currently NO waiting list.


In the case of being over subscribed, new children are placed on the waiting list in the order that the completed registration form and fee are received. At the start of the school academic year (1st September), siblings take priority over other children on the waiting list, ONLY if there is a place available and, in the order that the completed registration form and fee was received. If there is not a place available they remain on the list the same as any other child on the list.
N.B. The morning club and the afternoon club have separate waiting lists.


Contact Details:


Stay and Play Club
Broughton CE Primary School
Church Lane
Telephone: 01772 862788


Ofsted Registration Number: 119563

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