At Broughton CE Primary School, our vision is to deliver a high-quality computing education that equips our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity in a forever developing technological world.
Please enjoy all of our varied learning experiences in our computing curriculum in the feed below.
Year 5- Physical programming to create a fair-ground ride

Year 2 - Programming with Lego
Today, we used Lego WeDo kits to create a bee which was pollinating a flower. We programmed the bee to fly around the flower and to stop when it was above the sensor.
Year 5 Rowan: Understanding how to control a simple circuit connected to a computer
Cedar Class - Programming
Today, Cedar Class ‘programmed’ each other to move around the number grid. The children then proceeded to program floor robots back in the classroom.
Year 1 - Chromebooks
The children were very excited to log onto the chromebooks for the first time and practise using a trackpad to move objects!
Year 1 - Technology Around Us
Year 1 had lots of fun discovering the different forms of technology around us.
KS1 Programming

KS1 had lots of fun working collaboratively to create their Milo the Space Rover. Next, the children from two groups joined together by connecting their Milos together. The children them programmed both devices with the same algorithm so the robots could work together to complete a common goal. The children had to tinker with their devices as one Milo was moving forwards and one was moving backwards! Thankfully, the children succeeded to see both Milos move together!
Year 6 - Programming Lego Spike Prime Robots

Year 6 have had lots of fun doing physical computing. The children created their own break-dancing robot. The children had to use their abstraction skills to work out which part of the code they needed to tinker with to make the legs and arms move simultaneously. It was fantastic to see the children to work collaboratively to solve this problem!
EYFS Having Fun Programming Bruno
Today, EYFS named their new robot mouse Bruno! The children developed their physical programming skills as they entered a code into Bruno so that we was able to find his cheese through the maze!
Year 4 - Toby Teaches the Class!
Today, Toby taught a fantastic interactive lesson in year 4 based around our computing topic from last half term. He used his knowledge and materials that he had created at home. Well done Toby!!
Oak - Labelling Plants
Today in science, we learnt all the different parts that make a plant and a tree. We then used the app ‘Skitch’ to take photographs of plants and trees around school and then labelled them.
Elm- barcodes
Elm class enjoyed creating their own shops. Each group had a selection of barcoded items, one child picked an item and passed it to the ‘scanner’, the scanner then matched the items barcode to their list and found out what the item was. The final child, the ‘till’, could then tell the other children how much their item was so they could pay. The children had great fun and even added the prices of 2 items together to see how much they would cost.
Year 5 Websites
Year 5 created some excellent websites about electricity using Google Sites.
Year 6 Websites
Year 6 enjoyed creating their own websites.
Coding Success
We are very excited for the children to use our new Lego Spike Prime robotics sets that have been provided by the Coding Success programme. These kits will provide our pupils with a fantastic programming and robotics learning experience.
KS1 Blogging and Online Comments
As part of our topic learning about the internet, the children in the key workers provision and at home were able to all communicate today by leaving positive comments to each other online. The children throughly enjoyed the experience and appreciated how receiving positive messages made them feel.
Years 4, 5 and 6 - Animation
This term, the children have been creating animation videos about the truce the solider’s had on Christmas Day during World War I. The children created their animations by using the app ‘Animation Desk’ and a technique know as ‘onion skinning’.

Year 3 - Animation
This term, Year 3 used plasticine to create stop animation videos.

Year 1 - Animation
The children used the app ‘iMotion’ to create their own superhero animation films. The children selected between two storylines. One being a superhero having a race against a villain who falls over and the other being a villain who throws a boulder at a superhero.

Safer Internet Day
For Safer Internet Day, we held a whole competition to design a poster highlighting online safety. These were the winners from each class.
The Great Fire of London Narrative Videos

Year 6 Black History Video Profiles
As part of Black History Month, the children created video profiles about an inspirational black person. The children used iMovie to edit their movies together. They used different editing effects and acknowledged any copyrighted images.

Year 3 and 4 Online Safety
KS1 Online Safety
KS2 Virtual Reality Experience
KS1 Audio Modification

Years 5 and 6 Online Safety
Today Rob Musker visted us to talk to us about online safety and our online identity. We also learnt about our digital footprint and how we should be aware who has our personal information.
Reception Safer Internet Day
For Safer Internet Day, Reception learnt about the different ways we use the internet everyday! They created bunting about the different applications that they know of.
KS1 Safer Internet Day - Avatars
For Safer Internet Day, KS1 discussed about keeping our identity safe online. The children created their own avatars that they could use online and described the benefits of using an avatar.
Year 5 and 6 Websites
This term, Years 5 and 6 have completed a multimeadia project. They have chosen their own topic and created a website about it using Google Sites. They have learnt about layouts, embedding videos and photo albums and about copyrighting. The children have also created their own videos which they embedded into their website.
KS1 Audio Experiment
In KS1, the children experimented how audio tracks can change the intended meaning and audience of a video clip. The children created two video clips using the same images but different audio tracks and discussed their impact.
Year 4 Spanish Puppets
In Year 4, the children have been using the iPads to created their own Spanish digital puppet shows! Check out the video below!
Elm Class WWF T-Shirts

KS1 Animation