Larch - Year 3
Hello and welcome to the Year 3 class page. My name is Miss Bradshaw and I am Larch's class teacher for the academic year ahead. Please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day or make contact with the office if you have any questions moving forward.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bradshaw and the Year Three team.
2024/25 - Welcome to Year 3!
Autumn 2 Curriculum and Homework Overview
Spring 1 Curriculum and Homework Overview
Year 2023/2024
Curriculum Overviews and Homework
Meet your teacher
Hello everybody, welcome to Year 3!
My name is Mrs Munnelly and I am the current Year 3 teacher. We have such an exciting year ahead of us full of interesting topics such as 'Anglo-Saxons', 'Water Water' and 'Growth and Change'.
With us in Year 3 we have the wonderful Mrs Knight and Mrs Smalley and together we can't wait to see what we get up to over the next 12 months.
We hope you enjoy looking at class page and seeing our wonderful learning.
Stone Age Visit
We had the pleasure of seeing the History man again this half term. He brought all things Stone Age! We built shelters, cut wood with tools, hunted for bison, grinded up flour and dressed up in clothes they would have worn. Adrian also gave a brilliant demonstration of the timeline of the Stone age with lots of fun and props.
Anglo-Saxon visit
On the 24th November we had an amazing afternoon with 'The History Man'. We had a fun-filled couple of hours taking part in a carousel of activities all about the Anglo-Saxons. We got to dress up in Anglo-Saxon clothes, practice writing in runes using quills and ink, play some Anglo-Saxon games and practice weaving wood like they had to do to build houses. Thank you Adrian for an unforgettable afternoon.
Animals Including Humans
In our topic 'Animals Including Humans' we have been learning all about skeletons and how vital they are. We have learnt that bones provide support for our bodies and help form our shape. Although they are very light, bones are strong enough to support our entire weight and they protect the body's organs.
We were given the task of putting Sid the skeleton back together and labelling the bones we have learnt about.
Home Learning 14/11/23
If you have any problems or are struggling with usernames/passwords for TTRS then please email me at and I will try and get it sorted as soon as possible for you :)
We Will Remember Them
In our art lesson with Miss Heath we each made a tissue paper poppy to turn into a wreath. We laid our wreath in our Remembrance Day service to remember all those who have lost their lives in wars.
R.E. visit to Blackburn Cathedral
On the 6th November we were lucky enough to have a class visit to Blackburn Cathedral. We were given a tour of the cathedral and went on a scavenger hunt to find different items. We found statues, pictures and crosses all with different meanings and stories. We looked very closely at the angels and how they are God's messengers. We then made our own angel stick puppets and had to add a speech bubble to what they would tell Mary.
Hinduism Week
As part of Hinduism week we were lucky enough to have a wonderful visit from Prags. She taught us all about Hindu naming ceremonies and taught us some traditional Hindu dance moves. Thank you so much Prags, we had a great afternoon.
PSHE - My Happy Mind
In PSHE we are learning all about our brains. This week we learnt all about neural pathways which are formed when we do something over and over again. The more you practice something, the stronger the neural pathways get. We learnt that the process of your brain growing is called neuroplasticity.
We made brain hats to help us understand how neuroplasticity works.
Roman Visit
A massive thank you to 'The History Man' for coming in to talk to Year 3 all about Roman soldiers. He taught us about how the Romans invaded Britain, how they fought and what they needed to wear and do to protect themselves in battles.
Team H-A-P
Our new topic in PSHE is called 'Meet Your Brain' and we have been introduced to Team H-A-P. Team H-A-P is made up of the hippocampus, amygdala and the pre-frontal context.
The hippocampus is like a scrapbook for storing all of your memories and things you learn. The amygdala takes control and keeps you safe when there is danger. The pre-frontal context helps you to make choices, concentrate and solve problems.
We learnt that when Team H-A-P work together this keeps us calm and safe. To help us remember the three parts of our brain, we made Team H-A-P headbands.
Introducing Playscripts
This half term we will be learning how to write our own playscripts. As an introduction to the topic, we looked at a script for 'The Gingerbread Man' and acted it out in small groups. We had to look at the features of the playscript and decide which bits we say and which bits just add extra information such as the cast list and stage directions. We enjoyed using the stage in the new outdoor area to perform our plays to the rest of the class.
Year 2022/2023
Summer 2 Overview and Homework 2023
Brockholes Nature Reserve Trip
Year 3 had an exciting and informative trip to Brockholes Nature Reserve where they consolidated their learning from our last topic about the water cycle. They also took part in some fantastic workshops all about plants to kick start their new science topic!
The Plague - History Man Visit
Year 3 enjoy a brilliant and informative visit from the History Man and found out what life was like at the time of the Great Plague.
The Salvation Army Visit
On Friday, Year 3 visited The Salvation Army and were amazed at all the wonderful work that they do!
Deva Roman Experience Visit
On our trip to the Deva Roman Experience, we learnt all about what life was life in Chester in the Roman times and the children got to patrol the streets dressed up as Roman soldiers!
Editing and improving writing with Oak Class
Oak Class came to show 3D the storyboards that they had created. They worked together to edit and improve their writing as well as adding in direct speech which they will go on to use when they write their stories.
D.T. - Picnic making
3D enjoyed making a healthy picnic for the children in reception.
History Man Visit - Stone Age to Iron Age Farming
3D had a fantastic visit from Adrian Warrell. They learnt all about how and why farming changed from the Neolithic Age to the Iron Age. They got to use a range of farming tools from these time periods and they ploughed part of the field using an Iron Age plough. After, they got to sow some barley and pea seeds which they are looking forward to seeing grow. Here is what some of the children had to say about it:
‘Today we used different farming tools from the Stone Age and Iron Age to dig up the earth and we used a plough too. Then we planted pea seeds and barley. I really enjoyed using the plough!’ – Anya (3D)
‘Today, with the history man, we dug and ploughed the ground using farming tools from the past. After that, we sowed pea and barley seeds.’ – Henry (3D)
Making skeletons from natural materials
In science, 3D have been learning all about skeletons and they used their knowledge to create a skeleton out of natural materials. They thought carefully about what materials to use so that their models looked as close to a skeleton as possible. They also learnt about the three main roles of the skeleton and thought about what life would be like if we didn’t have a skeleton.
World Book Day - Reading Partners
Year 3 and Reception enjoyed sharing their favourite books today to celebrate World Book Day. A lovely time was had by all! 📚
Christian Art
After a visit to church to look at all of the artwork, the children were inspired to create their own wonderful pieces of Christian art.
Science - Fossil making
3D have been making their own ‘fossils’ to help them understand the process of fossil formation.
Stone Age Workshop
Year 3 had a fantastic time learning about what life was like in the Stone Age and exploring the different tools that they would have used.
Stone Age - writing
3D have produced brilliant pieces of writing based on the Stone Age in their English lessons. They have also published their own eBooks. Here are some great examples (just copy the links into your browser to view):
D.T. - Electrical Game
The children designed and created their own game that included an electrical circuit. They then evaluated their final piece using the design criteria.
Christmas Party Fun
The children throughly enjoyed watching their pantomime in Bolton.
Children in Need
Anti-Bullying Week Poems
The children created acrostic poems based on the theme ‘One Kind Word’.
Science - Electricity
To finish their electricity topic, 3D created their own switches to solve different problems that they were given. They showed great perseverance, team work and creativity on this task.
Multi-modal Writing
3D have produced fantastic innovative stories based on the book ‘Leon and the Place Between’ and have displayed them on their own popcorn boxes.
R.E. - Sukkot
In R.E., Year 3 have been learning about Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival. They enjoyed designing and creating their own Sukkah using different materials.