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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God


At Broughton CE we believe that religious education should provide a contemporary study of religion, preparing all children for later life. We promote respect, tolerance and understanding for the beliefs of all. Our curriculum encourages children to continuously ask questions and seek answers, embedding understanding and providing varied learning opportunities along their journey through school.







Please enjoy all of our varied learning experiences in our computing curriculum in the feed below.

Year 6- Spirituality Day

Year 6 slowed down today and used their patience to find beautiful leaves, create leaf rubbings and then write their own prayer or poem about thankfulness. It was wonderful to see the children appreciate nature and listen to all the things they are thankful for in their lives.

Holly Class - Why is a church a special place?

Today in Holly Class, we learnt that a church is made up of people who attend.  We used our bodies to create a church and then we drew our loved ones on pieces of paper and put them together to create a collage of a church.

Year 2 - Easter

In RE this week, year 2 created Easter objects decorated with images from the Easter story. Aren’t they beautiful! Well done year 2!

Reception - Daniel and the Lions' Den

Reception have read the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. We spoke about how Daniel was courageous and thought about times we had been courageous. We celebrated Daniel's courage by making our very own lion face!

Year 5 - Hindu Temple Visit

The children had a fascinating trip to a local Hindu temple in Preston.

Year 3 - The Holy Trinity

The children created pieces of art to represent The Holy Trinity and how we, as humans, are at the centre.

Year 3 - Blackburn Cathedral

On the 6th November we were lucky enough to have a class visit to Blackburn Cathedral. We were given a tour of the cathedral and went on a scavenger hunt to find different items. We found statues, pictures and crosses all with different meanings and stories. We looked very closely at the angels and how they are God's messengers. We then made our own angel stick puppets and had to add a speech bubble to what they would tell Mary.

Hinduism Week

The children enjoyed learning all the different Hinduism stories and about all the different gods and goddesses.  They created some wonderful pieces throughout the week,

Hinduism Week Dance Sessions

The children had so much fun learning a traditional Hindu dance.

Reception - Hinduism Week

Reception created some fantastic recreations of the god Ganesh.

Year 1 - Harvest Food Tasting

We had fun tasting all the different fruits from around the world.  At the end, we said a prayer give thanks to God.

Year 3 - The Salvation Army

On Friday, Year 3 visited The Salvation Army and were amazed at all the wonderful work that they do!

Oak Class - Harvest - Tasting fruits from around the world!

Easter Gardens

In EYFS the children have begun to look at the story of Easter and the significance of the cross. They made their own Easter gardens using natural resources they found in the outdoor area. 

3D - Christian Art

After visiting our church to learn about all of the artwork there, the children were inspired to create these beautiful pieces of Christian art. 

Abstract Art in the style of John Reilly.

‘Newsround’ style reporting

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Elm Class Thank You God Prayer

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Elm class have created this beautiful prayer together to thank God for all the wonderful things He has created.

Y5- The Big Frieze

Y5 have been working extremely hard to reimagine ‘The Big Frieze’ by Emma Bartlett.  Each child took an aspect of the Big Frieze and put their own creative spin on it. 

Y1-Making Scrolls

As a class, Y1 learnt about how the Bible stories used to be written on scrolls and were discovered by a young man looking after goats near Jerusalem. They acted out being the young boy discovering the scrolls before creating their own to write the story on. They loved ageing the paper by ripping it, writing the story and rolling up their own Bible scrolls!

Year 5- How do Christians Celebrate Christmas in Africa?

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The children worked extremely hard to research how Christmas is celebrated around the world.

Year 1-Bibles

The children designed a book jacket for a Bible. They discussed what is important to Christians and drew pictures. The children took their time and thought hard about different things that may be special and for what reason.

Year 1-A visit to Church

Year 1 visited church to talk to Reverend Pauline about the Bible. She showed them lots of different Bibles and talked about the different gospels of the Bible. They learnt lots about how many stories are in the old and new testaments and what the stories in the Bible teach us.

Year 3-Building a Jewish Sukkah

As part of their Judaism unit, year three had great fun building mini Sukkah’s using a variety of materials. 

The Parable of The Lost Sheep

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We have been looking Jesus’ parables and thinking about what they mean for Christians today.


Rabbi Robert visits Year 6


Year 6 welcomed the visit of Rabbi Robert. He talked about the Jewish festival of Passover. He also brought 'matzo' crackers for the children to taste. 


The Haggadah is the book that is used during the Seder on Passover eve. The word Haggadah means “telling,” as its primary purpose is to re-tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt. It also guides Jewish people through the ritual-rich Seder meal, indicating when and how each rite is performed.


Easter Celebrations


We completed lots of fun activities on the approach to Easter. Key Stage 1 completed an Easter labyrinth. The children journeyed through the Easter story (while dressed as favourite book characters for World Book Day!) which really made the events come to life. They also investigated why certain foods are eaten at this time of year and had an Easter picnic. 


The whole school took part in an Easter egg hunt. Our Year 6 children were just as excited as Teddy's!


We were amazed by the beautiful Easter bonnet creations. The younger children paraded for friends and family.


Year 2 led our joint Ecumenical Service with Our Lady and St Edward's. The children clearly communicated the sadness and joy associated with this special time of year. 


Islam Day


Earlier on this term the school celebrated the Islamic faith. We worked in mixed age groupings to discover more about the lives of Muslims.  Many of our children were keen to talk about their religion and prepared presentations to share with their friends. The children brought in special belongings to show. Khadija and Hasnain led the school in an incredibly enlightening worship. We were all enthralled. The children asked some excellent questions which Khadija and Hasnain answered brilliantly.


All of the children had a great day of discovery, comparing and contrasting the Islamic faith with Christianity. Key Stage One are continuing their learning with a visit to a local mosque later in the summer term.


Year 4 - St John's and Fulwood Methodist Church


Year 4 are currently comparing and contrasting churches. They spent a morning with Father Shaun in our church of St. John the Baptist, before visiting Fulwood Methodist Church. The children spotted many similarities, but also lots of things that made the worship centres very different. 

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