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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Holly - Year 2

Welcome to Holly Class!

Curriculum Overview

Coding with Lego

Today, we used Lego WeDo kits to create a bee which was pollinating a flower.  We programmed the bee to fly around the flower and to stop when it was above the sensor.

KS1 Football Tournament

Today, we had a football tournament in Key Stage 1.  It culminated with a final between the Year 2 red team and the Year 1 yellow team.  It was a close final but the Year 2 red team were victorious when it reached a penalty shoot out!


Today in Holly Class, we learnt that a church is made up of people who attend.  We used our bodies to create a church and then we drew our loved ones on pieces of paper and put them together to create a collage of a church.


We enjoyed a perfect trip to Brockholes exploring survival, including den-building and fire-lighting. We loved toasting marshmallows as a special treat at the end of the day! 🌲

Theatre trip-Around the World in 80 Days.

History-Houses and Homes

Meet the teacher


Autumn 1

Some fun from our first half-term. I think the children would say that the best part has been taking care of our chicks! 🐥

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