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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Year 2 - Fir Class

Welcome to Fir Class Year 2!


Hello, My name is Mrs. Munnelly and I am the class teacher in Fir class.

Mrs. Smalley is our Teaching assistant that will be helping and supporting us this year.

If you have any questions about class then please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day. Keep an eye out for half termly overviews, homework and pictures of what we have been up to.

Thank you!

Spring Term 1 Overviews and Homework

Spirituality Day!

During our Spirituality day we looked at stories from the Bible in which things were built based on instructions for God. We had a go at giving instructions to our friends, verbal only, for them to make something out of Lego. We also wrote some great Lego prayers that will be displayed in school. 

Fire Service Visit Y2!

In Fir Class, we had a very exciting visit from Zoo 2 U. We learnt a lot of facts about a variety of animals such as a stick insect, blue tongue skink, hognose snake, tenrec and a laughing kookaburra. We even got to stroke some of these amazing creatures!

Science - Growth and needs

We were so excited to watch eight chicks hatch and are now learning how to look after them.

Back to school!

Autumn 1 Overviews and Homework

Welcome to year 2!

Curriculum Overview

Y2 Common Exception Words

As part of our ‘Chocolate’ topic, we made our own chocolate bars.  We loved tasting, melting (with adult support), decorating and designing the wrappers for our amazing chocolate bars. 

Art’s week-Instruments


Practical Maths-Time

Today, we made clocks using 60 blocks (to represent the minutes in an hour).  We then added the hands and labelled the clocks. 

History-Debating. Was Christopher Columbus a hero or a villain?

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Hero or villain?

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Hero or villain?

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As part of our ‘Materials’ unit in Science, we created ‘waterproof’ buildings using our scientific  knowledge.

Science- Identifying humanly constructed and natural materials.

Making fossils based on the work of Mary Anning.

Book Week-Potato Book Characters

The children worked so hard this afternoon to create a potato book character. Can you guess who they are?

Alien Sock Puppets

In English, the children designed an alien that Bob might meet on the moon.  The children worked so hard to cut, stick and fix parts to their socks to create the aliens. The final results were amazing! 

History-Tudor Dancing

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Tudor Dancing

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Father Christmas

The children had a wonderful time at Brockholes Nature Reserve.  They made dens using the materials around them, experimented safely with firefighting, bug hunted and then finished the day off with a toasted marshmallow around the campfire. 

Theatre trip-Around the World in 80 Days.

History-Houses and Homes

Today, we explored how people used to wash their clothes a long time ago.  We used the dolly tub and  carbolic soap to scrub and rinse the clothes.  The children loved this but most stated they preferred having a washing machine! 

Stories based on ‘Dear Greenpeace’.

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Stories based on ‘Dear Greenpeace’.

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Stories based on ‘Dear Greenpeace’.

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Following on from our poetry unit, the children wrote their own poems based on ‘The Rhythm of Life’.


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Sign of the week


As part of our inclusive classroom we are learning signs to support all learners.  Please feel free to practice these at home. 




Finding features of a non-fiction text.

Today, we looked through a selection of non-fiction texts to find key features.  

Practical Maths

We were counting in 2’s today.  We counted the blocks and then used our quiet and loud voices to help us find the patterns. 

Practical maths-Counting in 3’s


We experimented with the glockenspiel’s in today’s music lesson.  We had to listen very carefully and learnt how to play the notes G A G. 

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