Statutory Information
Broughton-in-Amounderness Church of England Primary School is a voluntary aided primary school in the Parish of St John the Baptist Broughton, in the Diocese of Blackburn. It is administered by the Local Authority and caters for children aged 4 to 11 Years. Its voluntary aided status means that a majority of Governors are appointed by the Blackburn Diocesan Education Council, the PCC of the Parish and the Trustees of the school.
As of September 2024, the school has a standard admission of 60 children per year.
Prior to this the admission number was 35.
In September 2018, the school admitted 45 children.
In September 2023, the school admitted up to 60 children.
2024/25 Class Sizes
Early Years (Reception)
60 with 2 class teachers
Key Stage 1
Year 1 - 54 children
Cedar Class - 28 children
Elm Class - 28 children
Year 2 - 37 children
Fir Class - 18 children
Holly Class - 19 children
Key Stage 2
Year 3
Larch Class - 36 children
Year 4
Oak Class - 35 children
Year 5
Sycamore Class - 37 children
Year 6 - 51 children
Willow Class - 25 children
Yew Class - 26 children
Contact Details
Ofsted Reports
Curriculum and Remote Education
Behaviour Policy
Pupil, Catch-up and Sport Premium
Thirty children out of the thirty five on roll in Year 6 in the 23/24 academic year met the requirements for the end of key stage 2 swimming. This includes the ability to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Equality Objectives
The equality objectives are set out in the Equality Policy which can be found on the 'Policies' page of the website.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information
Complaints Procedure
Governors' Information and Duties
Financial Information
There are no school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Further financial information about the school can be found on the government's Schools' Financial Benchmarking Service website here:
Charging and Remissions Policies
Values and Ethos
Love learning, life, one another and God.
At Broughton CE Primary School, we:
Rejoice in every day of life. Ecclesiastes 11:8
- provide a loving Christian environment where Jesus is our model and worship and prayer are central to our daily lives
- deliver high quality learning opportunities, inside and outside the classroom
- foster the desire to explore the world around us
- work closely with parents, church and community
Requests for paper copies
Any parent may request a paper copy of the information on the school's website from the school office which will be provided free of charge.