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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

Personal, Social and Health Education

My Happy Mind-What is it?

At Broughton CE Primary School, we use My Happy Mind to help create a positive mental wellbeing culture in which children build resilience, self-esteem, and character. My Happy Mind uses the latest research, science, and technology to help children develop lifelong habits and learn to thrive.

My Happy Mind is taught across the whole school in weekly sessions, and consists of 5 units:


Meet Your Brain – Learning about how our brains work.

Celebrate – Understanding our character strengths and celebrating ourselves.

Appreciate – Developing gratitude as a habit.

Relate – Building positive relationships.

Engage – Engaging with the world.

My Happy Mind is an award winning programme for schools & nurseries, families and organisations. It is delivered by class teachers across 5 modules, all designed to develop critical knowledge and habits that support children’s mental health. This means that children can develop a toolkit of resources to use when they need to.

All of the concepts taught are grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive mental wellbeing.

The programme is delivered via an innovative technology platform making learning easy, convenient and fun.


My Happy Mind is a whole school approach for all children not just reserved for those at the point of need. There is a My Happy Mind curriculum for every year group from Early Years to Year 6 which is tailored to meet the needs of all children including neuro-diverse and those with special educational needs.

Playground Buddies

Our playground buddies have made a commitment to ensuring that our school motto of ‘love and joy’ are reflected in all areas of our school community especially the playground.  Children are encouraged to sure that all children are included and be approachable and kind.  

Happy Breathing and mindfulness

Fir class took time out to practice their happy breathing outside.  
“I feel all calm and relaxed.  I also like listening to the birds and the wind in the trees, it relaxes me.”


Life Education Bus

We enjoyed learning all about our healthy bodies and how we can look after them and no visit was complete without a visit from Harold the Giraffe! 

Year 2- My Happy Mind

As part of our new PSHE programme we have been meeting ‘our brain’ this half term.  Bertie and Betty Brain help us identify key parts of our brain and why it is important to look after them. 

Elm Class- Yoga

Elm Class had a lovely morning yoga session with Clare. They practiced their sun salutations, tree poses and even did some relaxation. We finished with some positive affirmations, I am happy, I am amazing, that we will remind ourselves of throughout the day!

Year 1- Fair and unfair

Year 1 enjoyed discussing the concepts of fair and unfair. The class enjoyed participating in a circle time and discussing potentially opposing views with their friends. When asked if it was fair or unfair if “Mummy bought me a new car and the wheels fell off the first time I played with it.” One child responded that they thought it was “unfair because it’s only the first time you have played with it and you want to keep playing with it.” Another child countered this by saying she thought it was, “fair because the Mum didn’t know it was broken when she bought it, it’s not her fault.”

Elm Class- Mindful breathing

During Mental Heath Awareness Week 2022 we focused on mindful breathing, we learnt how to control our breath and focus on it. By doing this we give ourselves some mindful space and we are learning how stay calm and focused. 

Mental Health Awareness Week

Making healthy choices in Teddy's Nursery

We concentrate on being kind at Broughton!

Year 1- Emotions- Anger

In PSHE this term we have been thinking about emotions, this has included talking about anger and how we react when we are angry, we acted out having a 'strop', screaming and going into a 'huff'

Anti-Bullying week

The Daily Mile promotes excellent mental well being for children and staff!

Mental health and well being in Reception

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