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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God

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CE Primary School

Love learning, life, one another and God


At Broughton CE Primary School, our vision is to deliver a high quality history curriculum that is broad, balanced and reflects Britain and the world today. We aim to inspire students to feel curious about the past and the world around them, to ask questions and make connections.

Year 2 Exploring Artefacts!

Year 3 @ Roman Ribchester Museum

Reception - Holidays Through Time

Year 5- Analysing the usefulness of sources

Fir-Christopher Columbus, hero or villain?

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Year 2-Tudor Dancing

Tudor Dancing

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Year 1: how technology has changed.

Year 1 looked closely at primary sources to see how technology has changed. They enjoyed listening to music from a cassette player and a DVD player, as well as looking a Victorian iron, a Bakerlite phone, an early Apple computer, and so much more! They asked lots of good questions about the items and made inferences about their uses and how they worked.

Year 5 spent the day being recruited into the army, ready for service in World War One! 


The sergeant helped us to prepare our uniforms and medical kits, and we re-enacted what life in a real trench would have been like. 

History all around us- a visit to the churchyard

Our school governor and local history expert, Mr Hurley, came to Year 5 to talk about how Broughton felt the impact of the First World War, and where we can still see evidence of it around us today. 


We explored the book that Mr Hurley wrote, and visited the church and churchyard to study primary sources which could tell us more. 

Year 5 learnt all about the Space Race with the wonderful Mr Warrell. He brought in some amazing artefacts to help us develop our understanding of the race to the moon and life for Soviets, Brits and Americans at that time. 

The Great Fire of London, Elm Class

Elm Class loved working as a class to recreate Pudding Lane, where the Great Fire of London started. Together, they built houses out of Lego and placed them close together, they then used tissue paper to recreate the fire starting and spreading down Pudding Lane and destroying the buildings.

World War One, Year 5 and 6

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Year 5 and 6 visited the Lancashire Museum to learn about the Great War. The children were conscripted into the army and learned how to drill (which was trickier than it looked!). Following this, we learned all about the uniform, the medical care and the life of the soldiers in the trenches. It was a day full of new vocabulary and historical thinking.


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Year 3/4 Visit to the Deva Roman Experience

On our trip to the Deva Roman Experience, we learnt all about what life was life in Chester in the Roman times and the children got to patrol the streets dressed up as Roman soldiers! 

Stone Age to Iron Age Farming - History Man Visit

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic visit from Adrian Warrell. They learnt all about how and why farming changed from the Neolithic Age to the Iron Age. They got to use a range of farming tools from these time periods and they ploughed part of the field using an Iron Age plough. After, they got to sow some barley and pea seeds which they are looking forward to seeing grow. Here is what some of the children had to say about it:  

‘Today we used different farming tools from the Stone Age and Iron Age to dig up the earth and we used a plough too. Then we planted pea seeds and barley. I really enjoyed using the plough!’ – Anya (3D)  

‘Today, with the history man, we dug and ploughed the ground using farming tools from the past. After that, we sowed pea and barley seeds.’ – Henry (3D)  

Year 1- The Space Race

Year 1 have had a fantastic morning- the history man has been to visit! Adrian taught us all about the first man to fly a plane and showed us the style of hat he wore, the first woman to fly from America to Britain and the hat she had to wear, how maths is so important in getting to space, how a dog went to space first and what the first people said when they landed on the moon! Did you know LED lights battery powered tools and remote controls were all first invented for space visits? 

Stone Age Workshop

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time learning about what life was like in the Stone Age and exploring the different tools that they would have used. 

Adrian Warrell KS1 Visit

The children had an excellent day when they were visited by Adrian Warrell.  He came to speak to us about old and new technology.  We learnt about how people used to call people, send a text, play games, watch videos, listen to music and how they found out information.  

Year 5 investigating the Elizabethan origins of the Cottage Museum

The Great Fire of London - Yew Class

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In Yew Class, we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. The children recreated the main events of the fire and filmed a short video. They then recorded a voice over to describe the main events.

The Great Fire of London

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Today in Elm Class, the children learnt about the Great Fire of London. They recreated the city using Lego and then reenacted the fire burning throughout the city.

Stone Age Experience


Today Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Mr. Warrell, the History Man and what an amazing experience we had. Mr. Warrell showed us a range of amazing historical artefacts from the Stone Age and placed them on atimeline. We learnt that the pace of change during the Stone Age was very slow until the Neolithic Age when changes and technology began to rapidly alter the way people lived. 


In the afternoon, we were able to experience real ancient life, we dressed up in animal skins, built a shelter, hunted wildebeast, ground flour and chopped wood with hand axes- what an amazing day!

A Victorian Experience


Year 3 and Year 4


We were visited by Mr. Warrell, The History Man, who made use of our amazing Church Museum to teach us all about life during the Victorian period. This fits with our learning about how Blackpool has changed in the last 150 years or so. 


We learned that children would have gone to school in a school room lit only by candles, it was hard to see our work. We wrote using pen and ink and got very messy black fingers! The pen was sratchy and very different to how we work and learn. We also played with traditional indoor and outdoor games and wove wool in a traditional cottage industry style. It was a day packed with new experiences, new vocabulary, new observations and inferences. 

Using sources


Year 4 have been making observations and inferences using postcards which were written and sent from Blackpool by people on their holidays during the 20th century. We discovered we could learn about the types of holidays and the people who enjoyed them by analysing the writing and the picture on the front. 

Year 1 Role Play Rosa Parks

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This week Elm Class learned about Rosa Parks. They role played the moment Rosa was asked to give up her seat.

The Potty Timeline of Blackpool Tower


Lower Key Stage 2 has been studying Blackpool Circus and the Tower. As part of this study we has begun to explore the history of the town. 


Here we are thinking about the history of the Tower using the Potty Timeline! Each group had a length of toilet roll and a line of masking tape, each piece of toilet roll represented 10 years. We labelled the masking tape with dates and looked for clues in the photos that we could match to the different periods of time. The learning supported our developing awareness of chronology and the changes to Blackpool since the Tower was built in 1894. We also used lots of observation and inference skills. 


Great work Year 4!

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